Pioneer Convent: School with a Difference
Pioneer Group established CBSE Affiliated School Pioneer Convent in 1999 for imparting value based education. The school is one of the oldest private schools in Indore and is situated in the heart of Indore city at Mahalaxmi Nagar. Surrounded by more than 2,500 trees, the school gives every child a healthy and natural environment to learn and play. We, at Pioneer believe that education is not merely class room teaching; it is to connect every child with ‘values’. We ensure to develop every child so that he becomes a good citizen of India and a good human being. The cozy, convenient, hygienic, eco-friendly and vibrant campus at Pioneer is designed keeping child’s safety and health in mind. It is a place where each child feels free to express, play with colors, observe, experiment, analyze, read, write, dance and sing. We celebrate festivals and events to highlight the cultural diversity of our country. We believe in ‘correct usage’ of technology and therefore we have ‘smart classes’ for our students. Pioneer Convent is a place where every child learns by innovative techniques which are carefully crafted & delivered through experienced and trained teachers.
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