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School Managing Committee

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School Managing Committee

School Managing Committee

The School Managing Committee has been formed after taking into consideration the guidelines given by CBSE, New Delhi. The list of members are given as under:-

SN  Name of the member        Designation and Capacity    
1 Mrs. Rashmi Harkerni Prinicipal, Head of the School
2 Mr. S.K.Joshi Nominated by Education Department 
3 Mr. Prakash Choudhary Nominated by Education Department 
4 Mr. Anish Patel Parent
5 Mr. Vijay Mahajan Parent
6 Mrs. Vandana Mehta Teacher (Other School)
7 Mr. Amitabh Saraswati Teacher (Other School)
8 Mr. Sharif Khan Teacher
9 Mr. Pankaj Kantak Teacher


Prevention of Sexual Harassment Committee

1. Mrs. Rashmi Harkarni

2. Ms. Sangeeta Basu

3. Ms. Richa Sharma

4. Mr. Sharif Khan

5. Mr. Pankaj Kantak

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