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About us


Pioneer Convent: School with a Difference ... Full story

Vision & Mission

Vision To establish ourselves as one of the biggest learning solution organizations of the country by offering educational services of the highest quality matched by ... Full story


The aims and objectives of Pioneer Convent are to impart all round education which will make students physically fit, mentally alert, intellectually capable, immotiobnally balanced, morally ... Full story

Our Philosophy

We believe in all round development of a student’s personality which has rudiments of Vivekananda and Bill Gates. In other words, we make a blend ... Full story

Quality Policy

Pioneer Convent is committed to provide quality education with best learning methodology and participative management system. It strives to create a culture to promote innovations ... Full story

CBSE Affliated

Pioneer Convent is affiliated to Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE), New Delhi. School enjoys high repute in providing quality education since 1999. The school ... Full story


Pioneer Group established CBSE Affiliated School Pioneer Convent in 1999 for imparting value based education. The school is one of the oldest private schools in ... Full story

School Managing Committee

School Managing Committee The School Managing Committee has been formed after taking into consideration the guidelines given by CBSE, New Delhi. The list of members are ... Full story

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Message and Testimonials

The effects of globalization have driven incredible revolutions within the learning organization. The transformation is so dynamic that the educational ...

Teaching Staff

Full Name : Ms. Bhavana Joshi Qualification: M.Com,B.Com, Designation : PRT Experience : 08 Years Profile : She has Completed her Post ...