Documents as per CBSE Rules and Regulations
List of mandatory documents uploaded on this website as per CBSE:-
The format prescribed as per Annexure - IX by CBSE is attached as first file. The attachments related to the mandatory disclosures are listed and attached as under:-
1. List of books prescribed
2. Details of infrastructure
3. Number of students class wise
4. Details of Teachers
5. Activity Planner
6. School Managing Committee
7. Academic Planner / Academic Calendar
8. Details of Curriculum - School follows CBSE prescribed curriculum
9. Affiliation Status - CBSE Approval letter
10. Declaration of Textbooks
11. Self certification
12. Health and Sanitary Conditions and Safe Drinking Water
13. NOC from CBSE
14. Fire Safety Certificate
15. Building Safety Certificate
16. Land Certificate
17. School Performance Report Card
18. PTA Executive Committee
19. Sample TC
20. Fee Structure
21. School Recognition Certificate (under RTE) by Education Department, Madhya Pradesh
22. Society Registration Certificate
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