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Principal's Message

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Principal's Message

“Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment.” 

It is essential to remember from the beginning that discipline must proceed from love. The immediate purpose of discipline is, of course, to modify the behaviour of a child. We need to remember though that we are at the same time affecting his/her behaviour in the future for either good or bad. Ifa child has gained something from his/her behaviour he/she will be likely to repeat it. An important feature of discipline, then, is that it be consistent. 

The goal of discipline is good morality. Discipline in a child’s life is to make him/her a good citizen of the country. A disciplined person will develop love and respect for all the creatures of God in this worldly life. A child who comes from a well-disciplined home will be confused and unhappy in a permissive environment. I think one of the reasons that discipline is breaking down in many schools both public and private today is the concept of total depravity which makes a person unwilling and unable to do anything that is right in the sight of God. 

I believe that through discipline and knowledge, peace is possible for all of us. The discipline you learn and the character you build from setting and achieving a goal can be more valuable than the achievement of the goal itself. Self-respect is the fruit of discipline; dignity grows with the ability to say no to oneself.

“Success isn’t measured by power, social rank or money. Success is measured by your discipline and inner peace “. (Mike Bitka) I wish all the Pioneer Students to imbibe this value in your life which will enable you to make your future bright. 



Mrs Rashmi Harkerni


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