Akhilesh Pandey Class- XII
In today’s scenario every student has a friend. Not only students, every age group has their friends. Friends are now much important in ourlives. A friend can make a friends life or destroyit. We give more importance to our friends thanour family members. Sometime we reject whatour parents say but we always are with ourfriends whether they are right or wrong.Because, friends are always with us. We canshare our personal things with our friendswhich we cannot tell to our family members. And then after sometime we get one of thefriends who is much close to us with whom wecan share our faults, good things, even also ifwe make girlfriend we tell to our best friends. A best friend become everything for us. It can bea boy or girl. But some friends misguide theirfriends in wrong way and let disturb from theiroriginal path. But a best friend never do thattype of thing. When we need they are alwayswith us to help out from the problem. In anycircumstance they are always with any. A realfriend is that who never left you alone andalways hold your hand and always be with us.
A nice thought :
–“Zindagi her pal khas nahi hoti, Phool ki khusbhu hamesha pass nahi hoti Milna to hamare taqdeer me likha thaVarna itni pyari dosti intefaaq nahi hoti...”
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