Twinkle Mishra Class : XII
My sweet mother. I love you so much,I feel happy when, I’m with you. I love to sharemy feelings and all the happenings of my lifewith you. My sweet Mummy, your presencemake me feel safe. You are may best friend.You take care of everything what I want, youmake yummy dishes for me, you take care ofevery little thing, so that I can live freely. When Ineed a friend, I think of you, when I need asupporter, you are always there mummy, yougave me birth and thank you soo much for that,I can’t imagine a single day without you,because you gave me my identity, because ofyou only I’m able to do my daily workconfidently. I know I never express you myfeeling, But is doesn’t mean I don’t love you.You are my inspiration, you are my ideal, I feelspeechless when it comes to describe you,because there’s no exact word which candescribe your greatness. My first teacher, myGod, my inspiration, my friend, my every thingis only and only you. I feel great when I’m upsetand you ask me “Why you are upset my angel”at that time all my sadness converts intohappiness. I don’t want to be a doctor, I don’twant to be any scientist, all I want to be is to bea good person like you. I don’t want to grow up,I just want everything to be same as it is today,so that this sweet relationship between you &me never fades. Thank you mummy foreverything. Thanks a lot.
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