Pankaj Medla Class XII
In this modern developing Era, everyone wantto become rich and for that they are giving somuch time to their work only, But in betweenthese they are not giving time for cleaning theirhouses. Then how it can be possible that they will clean the city too. Day by Day the cleanliness of our city is decreasing and pollution is increasing. Everybody cleans their house and for that they throw the garbage outside their home and pollute their city. One of the main reason of growing pollution is polythene and less number of safety vehicles. Polythene pollutes city a lot, because they are non destroyable. The pollution is of different types such as Air Pollution, Noise Pollution, Land Pollution,Water Pollution, Soil Pollution, you know the most common thing in this all is created by humans. Let’s have a look that how pollution isincreasing and by whom? Air Pollution byfactories, Land Pollution totally by human, Water Pollution by throwing waste in water, Noise Pollution by vehicles and Soil Pollutionby deforestation. So, ultimately pollution is created by humans. We don't have any right to blame anyone for pollution.
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