Amisha Choudhary Class- IX
In today’s life we have to struggle. struggle is the most important part of our life. If you want tobecome something, you have to change. If you want positive change in your life, make it ahabit to think about things that make you feel good. To become something do somethingeach day to bring you a little closer to your dreams and don’t compare yourself withanyone in this world. If you do so, you are insulting yourself as we all are special. Live lifeconstantly because life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance you must keep moving.Don’t worry about the result’s. Fighter will pass or fail because failure are a part of life. If youdon’t fail, you will never change. The most important thing to change is your environment.Be with those who bring out best in you, not the stress in you. Don’t blame the people & don’tdepend too much, because in this world no one thinks good for us. So don’t depend too muchon anyone in this world. Even your shadow leaves you when you are in dark & don’t blamepeople for disappointing you. Blame yourself for expecting too much. So make your mindsharp because life is full of difficulties, you have to meet them, greet them and defeatthem. So you become full with experience because experience never makes mistake.However mistake is the only thing which bring experience for person. Making great mindmust be ready not only to take opportunity but to make them too...!!! Everyone is a genius, butif you judge a fish on its ability to climb a tree, it will leave us in believing that it is stupid.
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