Suraj Gaur Class- XII
Do any of us realise the importance of Maths in our daily life? This is a subject that is applied toevery field & profession. Without the application of maths, no field or profession iscomplete. To help us realize this why don’t we imagine a world without maths ? Imagine living your days without a watch and acalendar. Both of them are numbers the most basic & important of mathematics characters.How would you know the time of the day? Wouldn’t you miss your own birthday without acalender. Consider this, you go to a shop to buy something but since this is a world withoutmaths, you don’t know what money is? You don’t know calculation, then what will you do?We wouldn’t have had markets & businesses without math as the world of trade of moneyand as a country development depends heavily on its economic growth, wouldn’t thatbe a problem. Despite the importance of Mathematics there are so many people whoresist getting to know & understand it. If you have the basic concepts of maths then thesubject isn’t difficult at all. Maths is not complicated like people believe it to be it is justtheir attitude that makes it so.
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