Pragati Sharma Class VII
Discipline means training of the mind and character. It is obeying the rules and orderly behaviour. There is a strong need and importance of discipline in our society and in our lives at our home, in school, in playgrounds and everywhere in this world discipline brings order. The absence of discipline brings disordersand chaos. There are some rules that control our activities. If we do not respect these rules, our life will be like a boat without a boatman. If we do not obey our parents athome, our teachers at school and referee or the umpire at the play ground, we canimagine what will happen. Our parents and the teachers are very anxious to make usrealize the need for discipline. They want us to grow up like disciplined soldiers. In the armed forces, discipline is everything. Without discipline the army is like a rabble.Like them we all must be disciplined, so that everybody can be proud of us.Discipline gives regularity to our lives. It decides what our life would be. Without discipline no goal can be achieved. Not only professionally do discipline help us but inevery spheres of life. It helps us achieve our goals professionally inpersonal life, in relationships, financially and any area our mind can think about.Discipline helps us to achieve something that will last long.We should evaluate discipline in our lives as it helps us to remove the obstacles andhardships that life makes us to face.
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