Manvendra Tripathi Class - VII
Discipline is very important for man in every walk of life. No work is possible without discipline. Discipline shapes up the personality. It acts like a mould and our personality is the outcome of the matter that we put into the mould. To achieve the goals at professionalor personal level one needs to be disciplined in his efforts.
Places where to follow the discipline -
In school, the students must follow the rules or else there will not be any proper management.
On road, public should follow traffic rules because if rules are over looked, then there are chances of accidents.
In hospitals one should know that mobile phones should be on silent mode. Minimum people should go to visit the patients. Once you are in the hospital premises, your volume should be low while talking.
In the library there should be no group study. This is a place for individual studies and there should be pin-drop silence in thelibrary.
Students have to follow the rules of discipline. Discipline is very important in army. The soldiers have to obey the orders ofthe Commander. Only disciplined army wins in the end. Indiscipline brings weakness in a nation. Iwant to say that 'Discipline' and 'Hard Work' are the keys to achieve anything.
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