Nidhi Nayak Class XII
I have found that there is one thing which disrupts forward progress and that is Egowith Capital 'E'. Ego wants good life, no pain and instant results. Ego dictates the terms, makes you self-centered. A person should do self introspection continually to check his performance and make continuous improvements. Hold a mirror up to yourself everyday and say "what do I need to look at today?' Am I doing the things that I have committed to doing? and if not, why not? Ego will definitely stop you to think all this but we have to come out of our egos. We need not stay booked into situations but move out and accept a situation. Don't try to prove anyone wrong or vice versa. This habit will change your view to see life differently. "Ego-based" behavior in you will never groom your personality. Try to keepthings short, sweet and simple and allow yourself to be clear and concise. Don't let your ego show self defense mechanism otherwise love and compassion will get lost somewhere from your life. The entire rainbow of colour is there to enjoy. So whystuck to only white colour. Leave 'Ego' and enjoy Life as it comes to you.
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