Aditi Sharma Class IX
Education is important in every field. Be in professional life or personal life it effects bothequally. A person who understands the practical applicability of education is successful in his life. Education is a factor by which we can stand in the society on our feetand not depend on others. An educated person also helps us to enhance our personality. One's personality is equally important as it is being educated. Elevated personality never pushes us back, instead it helps us to move forward and outshines in the crowd. But for having a good personality being educated is important. The role that education plays in shaping our personality is matchless. It is a must, being a student to understand that not merely rending the textual things and scoring good marks is not important. What is important is to understand how it is going to be useful in our daily life. School is a platform from which we can get ready for our future life, enhance our knowledge. Being educated to elevate our personality. Not only school but also life gives us many opportunities to adopt the good personality and become good person. There are many such personalities who have set up their life as an example in society like Bill Gates, Steve jobs etc.World has been evident for that. The people in have good personalities succeed in life, because they keep in mind their minor things for being happy and become successful in their life.
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