Nikita Pandya Class - VIII
Social Media has taken the world by storm. It has become one of the best medium for transfer of information and knowledge in theworld. It is usually the younger generation that uses social media than any other demographic.Students specially use the medium to stay in touch with their old friends and also to meet new ones. Like any other technological innovation social media has its own share of advantages and disadvantages. Schools are adopting technologyfor pedagogical purposes and are also introducing social media into the classrooms. This is a trend that has gathered a lot of support as well as apprehensions. Social media has several advantages for students. Social media can enable students to easily contact each other with regards to school project and assignments. It becomes easy for them to do group assignments from the comfort of their own homes. Studentsthose who use social media can also participate more in class. When social media is used in pedagogy, students who have difficulty in expressing their thought in their class rooms can get involved in this learning process. It will help build these children's confidence level as well. Along with the advantages, social media also has several disadvantages. Social media can be adistraction for some students. Students may be distracted from their school work and the teachers will have no option of knowing which student pays attention. There is always a possibility that the student will not use social media for education purpose. They may use social media for their personal communication. Students those who use social media regularly may lose their ability to engage in face to face communication. Even if the world is turning to technology, Students must know how to communicate in the realworld. Social media websites are becoming notorious your cyber bullying. "This has become an alarming trend"So it is advisable to use the social media cautiously.
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