Sameera Khan Class IX
"We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then, is not an act, but a habit" - Aristotle.
Self awareness is basically a development process of one's own self. In the pursuit to follow the process one is not required to sit and draw out from the past events, his virtues and vice which is common tendency for anyone to start with. The need to study one's own self arises unfortunately at a very laterstage of life. Different phases of life e.g. duties, responsibilities, pains and pleasure and life's other ordeals. It also given in Gita in almost the same way that it lie in aristotle's statement. And acceptable but at the same time when we try to visualize ourselves doing the practice of yoga, we advertently or inadvertently, visualize ourselves as a yogic. Because both are so, interlinked and intermingled that we can not make it as aseparate entity. From all that we have discussed we come to the following conclusion that a conscious endeavor to elevate light through excellencein habit is the way to achieve self awareness.
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