Purwa RathoreClass VII
A good body language gives you an edge incompetitive world. We practice our verbalskills before a presentation, but few of us givemuch attention to the non verbalcommunication. Body language skills helpsto convey the verbal message and can makethe difference. Most of our lives we devotemaximum time in improving our speakingskills and ignore the most effective part of ourcommunication that is body language. Thenon verbal part of our communication speaksvolumes about us. Not only does it help inyour professional life but also in every sphereof your life. Non verbal communicationdirectly or indirectly affects our relationships.Body language, the common mistakes &techniques to improve presentation skills.More than half of the impact as a speakerdepends on your body language. Youprobably have control over the words youspeak, but are your sure that you havecontrol over what you are saying with yourbody language?Body Language comprises gesture, stanceand facial expressions. Non-verbal cluesplay a significant role in interpersonalcommunication. So we need to include bodylanguage when looking at effectivecommunication skills. In this way, theapproach is effective in terms of helpinglearners to understand body language andthe effect it has on communication.-
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