Gautami Chandankar Class XI
History, the record of past, most of us hate itby its name, some get bored. It is not only the subject in schools to educate, but it is something to be learnt from our past. We should know what our past wants to say tous, teach us. I am not going to bore you by teaching you about history. I am going to share my views and hope that you will alsolike it. We all are well aware about the status,reputation, respect which today's women aregoing. Once you compare today's status of women/girls with that of a few years ago,even after the independence of our country.They all were ill treated, not allowed to go outof home & roam around. But today, theconditions are totally different. Boys & girlsare both being treated equally. As a girl, I realised that we're not less than a man. But you see, while gaining this status, we gave examples of women from our history only. We all have heard about many female fighters or women who had been inspirationsfor all of us. We know about queens like"Jhansi Ki Raani - Raani Laxmi Bai, RaziyaSultan, Rama Bai, Mother Teresa and many more. The hands that we think can only hold broomsticks, have proved it wrong by holdings words at the same time. Their fights forfreedom, for rights has taught us a lot. Make those women our inspiration, our Idol & raise our voice against injustice. We all have to learn from them. This is the time to convert our weaknesses into our strengths.I realised that history is part of our education,not because it is a subject, but because itplays a vital role in our personality development. History teaches a lot, we onlyneed to change the way of looking at it.
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