Madhura Ghunghrale, P.G.T. (Commerce)
“Man's Manners are the mirror in which hecan see his portrait.”Good Manners are very important in life.They make our day to day life smooth andeasy. A powerful man may be obeyed by people just out of fear but a man with pleasing manners is genuinely loved and appreciated by all. Good manners help a man to win friends easily. A man with pleasing manners respects the feelings and sentiments of others. He gives proper regard to his elders, loves his equals and is kind to those who are younger to him. He is never proud and he takes great care not to hurt others. The manners bring sunshine to life. A man with pleasing Manners is Jolly and joy. He always has a smile on his lips andhe is mentally happy. These good manners enrich the personality of a man. Good manners have a magnetic influence over the people. Good manners cost not hing but they bring about handsome rewards. When someone says "please" or "thank you" he actually finds himself in the midst of cheerful crowd. When someone is polite and soft spoken, he gets over many difficult situations in life. Good manners are not however born with us. They have to be cultivated with great care. Childhood is the best period to cultivate good manners and so both parents and teachers have a great role to play. "Friends and good manners will carry you,where money won't go."
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