Gautami Chandankar Class XI
Many people say their thoughts aboutsuccess, like "Hard work is a key to Success", "The basis of successful man issincerity", "Practice makes a man perfectand successful" and many more. But the best is "Failure is the key to success". Yes, it is true, I realized it. Once I attended a seminar and I learned a new definition of success "Greater the failure in your life, greater will be the success". As said that man learn from his mistakes, if we will realise it, surely, verysoon we will be a step forward to fill our pot of knowledge. We all have a huge land of knowledge, in which we have to sow the seeds of integrity, positive thinking and understanding, nurse it with patience and watch the trees of success grow, This is the time to learn from our failures. Don't lose hope, failure is the first step towards success. Everything has two phases - goodand bad, and we have to taste both, sweet and bitter, if we only have sweet in our life, we will never realise how sweet our life is. There will be nothing to compare the sweetness of life with. Similarly our life have two phases -Success and Failure. Man learns little from success but much from failures. Once you fail, don't give up, stand and try again. Try and try until you succeed. Failure is a moment in our life, from which we come to know our deficiency, weakness and mistake. We have to recognize it and to convert them into strength for success. Do not repeat mistakes, it leads us to progress and mistakes are caused by lack of attention. Stay enthusiast, but do not be careless. Remember that, you have to Aim High, then you are bound to hit, what you aim for. The great aim of management education is not knowledge but action. Never think 'if', always think 'how'. So don't loose hope when it gets darkest the stars came out.
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