Sanya Yadav Class V
Friends are like flower in the garden of our life. They help you through times of trouble. There's noting like friends to make a heart sing.The friends share with you almost everything. In our life the friends play a very important role. Friends are those who help us in any situation like good situation or bad situation. There are two types of friends true friends and loyal friends. Who seem to be loyal friends are those which stop us from doing wrong work and he says that this work is wrong. You should not do it. A friend will always be with us through the thick and thin. A true friend always benefit us in life. A friend should be like Krishna, helping us in the time of dilemma. But he should be like Karna too, standing besides even the wrong. Wrong friends are those which don't stop us to do wrong work, He says that this work has so much fun. When we make friends we have to know his/her nature and behaviour. We have to make good and true friends. My best friend is Khushi Sharma and I'm proud of her.
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