Sameena Khan Class VII
Relax for a while.Think with a smile.Grab success at very might.Go for it ! all the best.
Reasons behind success
S - See your goals and set a purpose.
U - Understand the problems and difficulties.
C - Clear your doubts and fears.
C - Create a positive attitude and atmosphere.
E - Embrace the challenges and talk.
S - Stay on track and chase the goals.
S - Show the world you can do it and be a winner.
Reasons behind Failure
F - Fear and Frustration.
A - Aggressions and abuse.
I - Insecurity and In discipline.
L - Loneliness and Laziness.
U - Uncertainty and Unawareness.
R - Resentment and recklessness .
E - Emptiness and envy. Avoid it ! God bless you,
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