Ratna Juneja, Principal
When the 21st century ushered in, it came in a very dramatic way. We can also say that it came as technological revolution. It will have a great impact in society. Today's kindergarten will be retiring in the year 2025. We have no idea what the world will look in five years, yet we are charged to prepare ourcoming generations. The need of today is to make students understand to communicate, function and create change personally, socially, economically and politically. PioneerConvent recognizes the critical need for developing 21st century skills. We believe that students should get authentic education, so that their professional development is not limited. Teachers here are working with students whose lives are totally involved in mediaculture. In short students today are digital learners. That's the reason we have introduced Tata's 'Class Edge' programme for students, so that they can filter the knowledge required for their development. We are trying to face our education system through Project-Based Curriculum. It meansa new way of understanding the concept of knowledge and we are trying to give a new definition of an 'Educated Person'. Teachers and students here in our school are so excited that they desire to work on learning new things daily. It is happening in our school and schools across the country. Pioneer Convent is giving active learning where learners learn collaboratively with classmates. Workshop was organized for parents too, in the month of April, 2015, so that everyone knows what exactly is the concept of Smart Classes. A great deal of freedom is given to students so that they become performers.
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