Jaya Srivastava Teacher
A parent should spend ample of time with their kids, whether the kids are in any class or any age.
Parents must understand the feeling of the child and should not scold them.
Parents can nurture in interest of the child,so that the child will love to do it with lot of interest.
Parents should not pressurise their kids inany field rather than that explain them withfew examples so that, they can understandwhat is better for them.
As a parent, we all know how to managewith our kids but as time is changing, weshould also learn the development of thechild and the progress of the world.
Parents are the backbone for the kids, theyare the one who can give moral values tothe kids.
At the end, I would like to tell you a storywhich you might have heard. I amreminding you again.A child is just like a paper, if a paper iscrushed the crumples will be visible. In the same way if a child is scolded those heartbreaking crumples can't be seen but thepoor child is disheartened.Be a good parent as we have got theirblessing from God in our life.
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