Noopur Baxi Nadgonde TGT English
A gentle word, a kind look, a good natured smile can work wonders and accomplish miracles. - William Hazlitt Smiling happens without much effort. It is a very natural and obvious response to share our happiness with others. But did you know that smiling activates your brain? There is avery strong connection of the mind and our body. It not only has a positive effect on the person who is smiling but also has an equal effect on the other person.There are very reasons for you to smile. Smile even if you are sad. Yes! there is astrong relation between the mind and body. The brain receives a message as soon as you smile, that you are happy. So, just try smiling when you are sad. It might just helpmake your body feel better which in turn makes you feel the same - BETTER! Smiling can make others happy too. When you are smiling, the whole world smiles with you. Its a proven fact that smiling is contagious, strike a smile at people when you meet them. You are just not aware what great work you are doing, by just smiling. You are spreading happiness, when you smile at someone, people feel welcomed and loved. Smiling makes you more attractive Ever thought of why people ask you smile when clicking a photograph? Because, every person with an honest, genuine and natural smile, looks his or her best and happiest. A confident and genuine smile is always attractive and attracts positively. A smiling person is liked by all. Smile even if your heart is aching, Smile even though its breaking When there are difficulties, just smile through You will see the sun brightening your lives. A smile has a healing power that sometimes not also a medicine has. Smile because it unknowingly cure others. It heals the heart and there is no better deed than generating a smile on someone's face.
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