Mrs. Shraddha BobdeTeacher
Hindi is our mother tongue, but English has become our official language. There is no doubt that English opens many vistas in world for students. Listening and Speaking are twothings which children try to imbibe. The quality of communication plays a very important role.Fluency in verbal skills increases the confidence level and students enjoy it. Activitybased teaching has been introduced in schools but at the same time interaction between two corners i.e. teacher and studentis also must. Making the language relevant toroutine situations, helps students to relate it to subtleties.The more you communicate, the moremeaningful it become. Don't just imitateothers, make your own styles, keep yourself abreast with the latest happenings in world, so that when you sit in a group, you have lot many things to communicate. Never be left out fromthe group. Mix well in the group. Talk your heart out with occasional dollop of humours. People should love to hear you when you communicate. Don't be harsh and don't bevery soft. Give chance to everyone to speak.Listen and let other speak too.
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