Tanvi Bafna Teacher
Each of us has so much inside which is necessary to make the world a beautiful place to live. Certain commitments are needed to dedicate ourselves to live our livesfully. To express ourselves we need to converse in English. No doubt, Hindi is our mother tongue but proficiency in this language will make our life meaningful and intimate. Go to any corner of world, if you talk in English, there will be no problem at all. Now question arises, where to start and how to start ? I say, start today. Read more, write more, think more and think in English. If you think in English then onlyyou can write perfect English, but if you think in Hindi and write in English, your English will only be a translation. Our lives are original documents which we all create for ourselves.To speak English, motivate yourself, even if you fail at times, keep tying. It's not difficult to talk in English. Its only that you are not putting your 100% to speak and talk inEnglish. Determination is needed and worthy results will in evitably follow. The day will notbe far off when you achieve your highest dreams to enrich your life.
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