Children are like flowers who blossom perfectly only when the parents like a dutiful garden ernurture and look after them carefully. They are the ones who provide them a proper shelter,guidance, love, care, warmth and affection, so that they can reread their fragrance in theworld. Hence here are some tips or guidelines for the parents to discipline their child.
Just guide and see that he puts the things in place.
If he accomplishes a task by himself, encourage and reward him always.
Do not neg your child. This will only make him do, what you want i.e., he will be dependent on you.
Always give him examples at the great personalities who have succeeded due to discipline in their lives. Due to this they willmake or show a bigger effort.
Make him understand the importance of god and what god is and what wonders he can do.
Help him to understand the importance of elders and parents and teach him to obey them.
Always discourage him whenever he tries to adopt shortcuts or easy methods to achieve anything.
Do not throated or punish him for his wrong doings but just make him responsible to do bigger task on his own.
Just teach your child discipline at the ideal age.
10. Spend time with your child to know him well.
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