Applicability: All students from Nursery to XII
Dear All Students & Parents,
We are happy to announce that we have made the Caution Money refund process simple and online. Now you can simply download the form from this website, fill the details and follow the pre-requisites for refund of Caution Money as follows:-
01. No Dues from Library
02. No Dues from Accounts Section
03. No Dues from Computer Lab
04. Last class Passed out mark sheet photocopy to be attached.
05. Caution Money Receipt photocopy to be attached
06. Written application for refund of Caution Money
07. Photocopy of cheque and pass book front page where all bank details such as bank account name, bank account number, IFSC Code, branch address, etc are clearly mentioned.
All the above mentioned documents are compulsory to be attached with Caution Money refund form. Please download and print the complete prescribed form and sign the prescribed format on both pages (two pages). Incomplete form or forms having no signature or missing information will not be accepted by the office.
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