Library Rules & Regulations (Year 2015-2016)
1. Library will remain open from 9:00 am to 4:30 pm daily, except holidays.
2. Library will remain closed during lunch timings.
3. All students of the school are members of the library
4. All students of the school are required to bring ID card for issue / receipt of books in Library.
5. No student will be allowed to enter inside Library without ID card and school uniform.
6. A student can borrow only one book at a time for a period of one week.
7. Books will be issued to students, during the library period only. No book will be issued or returned during the teaching hours.
8. Marking, underlining or writing on library books is strictly forbidden. If any student does the same then penalty will be levied.
9. Reference books and current periodicals will not be issued to any student. These can be read only in the library room.
10. Students can only carry their own notebooks inside the Library. No bags, mobile phone, purse, etc. will be allowed inside the Library.
11. If issued books are not returned on time a fine of Rs. 2/day will be charged.
12. The librarian can ask to return any issued book at any time.
13. In case, books are misused, wrongly handled or lost the person concerned will have to replace the book or pay the price of the latest book.
14. If any part of the Library book is missed / destroyed by the student, then complete book will have to be replaced by the student or pay the price of the latest book.
15. Each student has to take ‘No Dues Certificate’ from the librarian before withdrawing / issue of TC from school.
16. Strict order and silence shall be maintained in the LIBRARY
17. If any student is found to do any kind of activity such as playing, listening to music, creating disturbance, disturbing other students, etc. then the student can be expelled from Library up to 1 year.
18. All students and faculty members are required to maintain absolute silence within the Library and keep their mobile phone in vibration mode / switch off mode.
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