School Council
Student Council is a way to represent all students in a school. The trait of responsibility is pinned in the shape of badges on the young shoulders. The council member’s personality is brushed up and they are prepared to help the students to solve the problems encountered by them. Maintenance of discipline also becomes their prime concern. The council members have to undergo an interview in front of panel of teachers. They have to prove themselves eligible for the post. ‘Their role in the functioning of the school is very important and eminent The co–ordination of all school programmes is done by the Council headed by a Head boy and a Head girl They are like brand ambassador of school and they have to maintain good relations , out of mutual respect with the students , parents and staff .
Following is the list of duties which they perform-
1. Weekly meetings are called
2. Agenda is fixed
3. Plan and organize school events
4. Share the responsibilities
5. Write Minutes of meetings
6. Work whole- heartedly for the growth of school
7. To build congenial atmosphere in school amongst students
8. To identify the educational needs of students
9. Assist each other in meeting challenges
10. Review together all line of actions taken.
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