Examination Rules -
The school education system is divided into two parts.
The first part is class I to X and second part is for class Nursery to K.G II and class XI and XII.
Class I to X follow CCE pattern and exams Test are held as follows:-
FA1, FA2, SA1, FA3 and FA4, SA2
All FA’s carry 10, marks each.
In the second part i.e. class Nursery to K.G II and XI, XII has Terminal System of Examination.
The Rules of Examination
1) The Candidate is eligible to write exam if and only if he / she has 75 % attendance.
2) The notebook, assignment, project should be complete in all respects and checked too.
3) The School fees record should reflect ‘No dues’.
4) The admit card should be signed thoroughly by all subject teachers librarian, Accounts officer and Principal.
5) If child is unwell please inform Principal and submit Medical certificate.
In Examination Hall:-
1) Sincere writing of papers ¬¬is expected by one and all.
2) Cheating, looking here and there, and passing chits mean a strict action from principal.
3) No entry allowed without admit card.
4) The time allotted for writing exam should be followed. No child will be allowed to leave the room prior to that.
5) Time and Again, use of wash room is not permissible.
6) Eating chewing gum and toffees not allowed in Exam room.
7) Mobile not allowed. If seen with mobile, it will be confiscated
8) All students are expected not to write anything on the Question Paper except for their name and Roll no.
9) No student is allowed to use rash and unparliamentary language with teacher on Invigilator.
10) If the child is caught in any of the activities will be debarred from examination.
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